Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why goals?

I'm a big fan of living life on purpose. I think if there's something you wanna do, you should make the effort to make it happen. Really, we only have one life to live.It also helps me to evaluate who I am and what I want to do with who I am. There is a lot of value in refining who you are-- keeping the growing process alive!

Before I turned 25, I made a list of 25 things to do. BUT, I only gave myself 1 1/2 years to complete my goals. I was able to get most of them done. In order to even accomplish the goals, they had to be pretty small (though there were a couple bigger ones in there including trying out for American Idol). If you rush, the results aren't good; they're just results.

I am 2 1/2 years to my 30th birthday, so I thought I would do the same for that big birthday. But as I was thinking, I decided I would expand my goals to 40 things to do before I turned 40. This way, I have more time and I am able to do some bigger goals. This blog will document my goal journey.

I suppose this is a bucket list of sorts. But it's more of a 'before i die...' it's more of a 'i want to live!'

Stay tuned for a listing of the goals.

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